ZINE: "Love for Love / Hate for Hate : A Glossary of Our Time"
$10.00 / Sold Out
76 page zine. 5.5 x 8.5 inches. Photocopied.
Edited by Beverly Acha
50% of proceeds go to Planned Parenthood
Includes work by 75 contributors (visual artists, writers, designers, and educators) responding to 73 words surrounding the 2016 presidential election season:
Manal Abu-Shaheen, Beverly Acha, Gabrielle Acha, Rushern Baker IV, Guy Ben-Ari, Julia Bland, Mary Ann Bonet, Loren Britton, bumpcitykid (Gina Acebo), Emmy Catedral, Felix R. Cid, Mike Clemow, Gaby Collins-Fernandez, Damien Davis, Roman de Salvo, Christie DeNizio, Peggy Diggs, Alejandro Epifanio, Ed Epping, Florencia Escudero, Marcela Florido, Hannah Frydman, SB Fuller, Kati Gegenheimer, Mark Thomas Gibson, Elena Gil-Chang, PJ Gubatina Policarpio, Carmella de los Angeles Guiol, Michelle Hagewood, Meena Hasan, Daniel Herwitt, Hole (Colleen Asper and Marika Kandelaki), Peter Hristoff, Siera Hyte, Frank Jackson, Ruby Jackson, Amy Khoshbin, Annabel Kim, Essye Klempner, Colette LaBouff, Doron Langberg, Eric Legris, Cassandra Levine, Virginia Lopez, Marie Lorenz, Francesca Lo Russo, Dustin Metz, Troy Michie, Lorraine Monteagut, MTB, Bridget Mullen, Antonia Oliver, Zulu Padilla, Doug Paisley, Carolanne Patterson, Amy Podmore, Calvin Rocchio, Jeannette Rodriguez-Pineda, Luis Sahagun, Deirdre Sargent, Cal Siegel, Alie Smith, Petra Szilagyi, Barbara Takenaga, Karen Tepaz, Sofia Torres, Maya Valladares, Jay Vera Summer, Anahita Vossoughi, Tali Weinberg, David Whelan, Arisa White, Cate White, and Bradford Willingham
This zine can be read starting at either end, there is no front/back. Each side begins with its respective word, “Love for Love” with love and “Hate for Hate” with hate. Unlike a traditional glossary, where words are organized alphabetically, words in this zine are organized on a spectrum from love to hate/hate to love.